Day 2
You'd be surprised at the number of Melbournians with a soft spot for the Dockers- thebarista in Port Melbourne, the Essendon concierge who believes Freo has a strong chance, the Dockers flag flying from a building in Lygon street , the tram conductor........ its hrd to cope with all this adulation!
The Purple army were out and about in Melbourne (it made one proud to be purple) but not a Hawk to be seen????
TOday's Herald Sun articles include more adulation for Ryan Crowley as the Freo 'nattering ram floors stars', Mundy the midfield musketeer , Ross Lyon playing for sheep stations...
THe Victorian bias crept through with an article on Victorian Dockers likely to play on Saturday (Mundy, Barlow, Clarke, Dawson, Crowley and Suban) - they couldn't help themselves!
Scott Pendlebury bragged they had 5000 at their pre-Grand Final training session - the Dockers romped that in......
The waiting is the hardest - if we are this nervous how must the players be feeling? At least they can train.........