Watched us trounce Sydney last night from the giddy heights of block 417. Mate booked Melbourne accommodation on his iPhone at the ground after the final siren. There are about 11 of us going over, but we only have three guaranteed GF tickets (one of which is mine!). Everyone else is in the ballot.
So there is an anxious wait until Monday morning, followed, no doubt, by desperate attempts to secure a ticket. Hopefully Dockerland will act as an informal ticket exchange, if there are any members who are successful in the ballot but can't make the trip.
Cycled down to Freo this morning, on my own, as all the regulars were put off by rain, hail and gale force winds. Wore my dockers scarf with my cycling gear. Freo was full of people in purple. Dropped in on the club and saw Michael Barlow chatting to some well dressed punters. It felt a bit like I'd gone to church and bumped into the Pope. Channel 7 was interviewing Freo fans on the cappuccino strip.
On the way back I yelled out "Freo" every time I went past a house displaying the Purple.